AI seems to be everywhere these days. The use of AI in creating electronic systems is rapidly advancing. And AI-driven tools can now play a role in several stages of the design process. Certainly, for parts selection and pcb layout optimization, but recent advances hold out the promise that AI can begin to automate the creation of optimized circuit designs. Or can it? Can today’s AI create practical, workable, and complete designs for a real-world electronic circuit?
We recently had the occasion to design a simple low voltage cutoff for a 12 VDC battery powered device. The goal was to prevent battery drain during extended periods between active use. Of course, there are many different circuit designs that can work. Here’s ours as a reference:
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The design started as a two FET solution, the additional FET was added to drive the gate for the load FET harder to sharpen the transition. Let’s see if ChatGPT can come up with something similar.
Since the Generative AI of ChatGPT allows a degree of variation in the building of the generative response (I’ll write more about the GenAI process in another post), I ran the following query several times:
"Design an electronic circuit for a battery powered device to cut off the device when the battery voltage drops below 12.4 volts. Use FET transistors. Do not use relays. Current draw when the device is cut off should be less than 50 microamps." |
Prompt engineering is also a bit of an art. For a few of the runs I had to specify that the design use a Zener diode for the voltage reference.
Each suggested response identified the right basic components (Zener, P channel FET for voltage monitoring, and N channel FET for the load switching), and provided good basic discussion on the general approach. Actual circuit topology is provided only as a ‘plaintext’ diagram – no schematic capture feature is yet available. One example is provided below.
None of the example circuit designs, however, yielded an actual working circuit. Frequently components referenced in the discussion of operation were omitted from the circuit schematic. Component connections were misplaced or otherwise unworkable.
One of the key limitations of current end-user available GenAI systems is that inherent in how they work, they create a response that only ‘appears’ to mimic the data the system was trained on. Fine reasoning and end-to-end valid logic is still a work in progress. Any results generated for design work will need to be scrupulously vetted for accuracy and correctness.
There are some specialty AI systems that show promise of doing better. is one, another. Still at today’s level of proficiency, for actual circuit design GenAI is likely only useful to get a junior engineer pointed in the right direction. We humans will have to stay in the game a while longer.
In a follow-up post we’ll discuss which steps in the design evolution can best use AI to aid the process.
Thanks for reading.
A ChatGPT response:
To design a battery protection circuit that cuts off a battery-powered device when the voltage drops below 12.4 volts using FET transistors and with a current draw of less than 50 microamps, you can follow this approach:
Components Needed:
Circuit Design:
Circuit Diagram:
Battery Positive (+)
|------->| Zener Diode (12.4V)
[R1]-------> Gate of P-channel MOSFET
P-channel MOSFET:
Source ----> Battery Positive (+)
Gate -------> Junction of R1 and Zener Diode
Drain -------> Gate of N-channel MOSFET
N-channel MOSFET:
Source ----> Ground
Gate -------> Drain of P-channel MOSFET
Drain -----> Negative side of Load
This design ensures that the load is disconnected when the battery voltage falls below 12.4V, while keeping the current draw well within the specified limit.